Gaming Benchmark 2: Compiling and Gaming

Compiling and gaming are two of the most system intensive application, and often I find myself running both at the same time. In this benchmark we attempt to compile the Linux 2.6.4 kernel for x86_64 with varying amounts of jobs in make.

  1. Open FireFox 1.0.4 and load all 5 web pages
  2. Open XMMS and start playing a Nine Inch Nails CD ripped to Ogg
  3. Open Thunderbird for news
  4. Login to our news server and start downloading headers for our subscribed news groups
  5. Fire up Neverwinter Nights and log into a game
  6. Begin cross compiling Linux 2.6.4 for x86_64; time the compilation

Compilation of the kernel was done as follows:

# yes "" | make config
# time make -jX

Here is a benchmark where we truly see dual core unrestrained on Linux. Neverwinter Nights didn't lose a step during this analysis on any of the processors, but it isn't really a game that should stress today's processors too much. As we increased the number of jobs for make, the compilations really took off - reducing the compilation time by as much as 40%.

Gaming Benchmark 1: Heavy Downloading Final Thoughts
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  • ProviaFan - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    On the OS and Kernel rows in the table on the Hardware page, the contents are reversed... :)
  • blackbrrd - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    I tried putting together a Pentium D820 and an Amd 64 x2 4200+ in a norwegian webshop (cpu+motherboard+1gb ram) and they came out about equally priced
  • Questar - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    Wouldn't the buffer underruns on the DVD burning tests be caused by disk contention and not CPU load?
  • The DvD - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    Interesting review. Nice work, Kristopher.

    btw, shouldn't there be a j=3 graph for the 4200+ in the compiling multitasting benchmark?
  • Frallan - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    Interesting... AMD does not show Intel the door in this one. However it would be very interesting to se total costs of system and the 4400+ as well.

    Gratz Intel!
  • Viditor - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    I must say that this review very much surprises me! The Pentium D looks much stronger than it has in any of the other reviews...congrats to Intel on this one.
  • Tiamat - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    The "siamese" penguin image gave me a nice laugh
  • Viditor - Friday, July 1, 2005 - link

    I will NOT say first post!

    One question so far...were the default memory settings on the AMD setup 1T or 2T?
  • shane3in1 - Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - link

    I was wondering the same thing.

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