Speech Recognition - Ready for Prime Time?
by Jarred Walton on April 21, 2006 9:00 AM EST- Posted in
- Smartphones
- Mobile
Accuracy Testing
In order to try and keep this article coherent, I decided to cut back on the number of test results and reporting. I started doing some comparisons of trained versus untrained installations, but untrained installations are really a temporary solution, since the software will learn as you use it. I have my Dragon installation that I've been using for a while, so that side of the equation is covered. I haven't used Microsoft's speech recognition package nearly as much, but I wanted to make sure I gave it a reasonable chance, so I went through additional training sessions with Office 2003. I also opened several of my articles and had the speech engine learn from their content.
One major advantage of DNS is that it will scan your My Documents folder when you first configure it, and as far as I can tell it adds most of the words in your text documents into its recognition engine. Microsoft Office's speech tool can do this as well, but you have to do it manually, one document at a time. I wanted to be fair to both products, but eventually my patience with Microsoft Office 2003 ran out, so it's not as "trained" as DNS8.
Both Dragon and Microsoft Office have the ability to adjust the speed of speech recognition against accuracy, so I tested performance and accuracy at numerous settings. For Dragon, there are essentially six settings, ranging from minimum accuracy to maximum accuracy. The slider can be adjusted in smaller increments, but if you click in the slider bar it will jump between six positions, with each one bringing a moderate change in performance, and possibly a change in accuracy.
I tested at all six settings, but I'm only going to report results for the minimum, medium, and maximum accuracy scores in the charts. Dragon also has the ability to transcribe a recording directly from a WAV file at maximum speed, so I'll include a separate chart for that. Microsoft's speech engine also has a linear slider, but I chose to limit testing to maximum accuracy, minimum accuracy, as well as the middle value. If you would like to see the other test results, the text is available in this Zip file (1 MB).
At the request of some readers, I have also made the MP3 files available for download. (Don't make fun of my voice recordings without making some of your own, though!)
Precise Dictation (5.3MB)
Natural/Rapid Dictation (4.4 MB)
All of these tests were performed on the X2 system with the "trained" speech profiles. I would like to try to train Microsoft's tool more, but it just doesn't have a very intuitive interface. When you say a word or phrase that DNS doesn't recognize, you simply say "spell that" and provide the correct spelling. In most instances, that will allow DNS to recognize the word(s) in the future. This is particularly useful for names of family/friends/associates/etc. Acronyms can also be trained in this manner, but many acronyms sound similar to other standard words, and they definitely cause recognition difficulties. For example, "Athlon X2" still often comes out as "Athlon axe two" and "SATA" (pronounced, not spelled out) is still recognized as "say to" or "say that".
My experience with using Microsoft's speech tool is that it is best used for rough drafts and that you shouldn't worry about correcting errors initially. Once you've got the basic text in place, then you should go through and manually edit the errors. That's basically what Microsoft's training wizard tells you as well, so immediately their goals seem less ambitious - and thus their market is also more limited. Luckily, the text being dictated here isn't as complex that in some of my articles, so Microsoft does pretty well.
Dictation Accuracy

Both packages clearly meet the 90% or higher accuracy claims with practiced dictation. Once you get above 90%, though, every additional accuracy point becomes exponentially more difficult to acquire. With that in mind, the 96% accuracy achieved is impressive. The more specialized your dictation, the higher your chance for getting errors, but for general language both are capable. Somewhat interesting is that the maximum accuracy settings don't actually improve things in all cases. The lowest accuracy setting usually does the worst, but everything above the Medium setting (the default) seems to get both better and worse - some phrases are corrected, and others suddenly get misinterpreted.
The final thing to consider is that in all cases the computer is able to keep up with the user - though maximum accuracy on DNS barely manages to do so. The sound file being dictated here is 9:21 in length and contains 1181 words. At that rate, the software is handling 126 wpm, which is far faster than most people can type. If you're one of the "hunt and peck" crowd, and you find yourself in a situation where you have to do a lot more typing, you might seriously consider trying speech recognition.
Transcription Accuracy

Perhaps the fact that the transcription mode doesn't have to deal with commands and real-time interfacing with the user helps improve accuracy. It may also be that reading a WAV file directly as opposed to hearing it through a microphone helps accuracy. Regardless, it's clear that the transcription mode offers better accuracy than any of the dictation modes. If you're looking at reduction of errors, transcribing a file is 100% more accurate than dictating a file.
Realistically, transcription mode is only useful if you plan on dictating into a recording device while you're away from your computer. Otherwise, you simply spend time dictating a recording, have Dragon transcribe it, and then check for errors. The quality of your recording will also play a role, so if you're using a small portable music device with a tiny microphone, or if you're recording in a noisy environment, it's unlikely that you actually get better accuracy rates compared to sitting in front of a computer dictating into a headset.
There's also some question of how good the transcription mode would be at handling something like the minutes of a meeting, where you have numerous voices, accents, males and females, etc. Still, while you may not use the transcribe mode all that often, we would rather have it than not. Microsoft's speech SDK looks like it has the necessary hooks to allow transcription of a WAV file, but at present we were unable to find any utilities that take advantage of this feature.
In order to try and keep this article coherent, I decided to cut back on the number of test results and reporting. I started doing some comparisons of trained versus untrained installations, but untrained installations are really a temporary solution, since the software will learn as you use it. I have my Dragon installation that I've been using for a while, so that side of the equation is covered. I haven't used Microsoft's speech recognition package nearly as much, but I wanted to make sure I gave it a reasonable chance, so I went through additional training sessions with Office 2003. I also opened several of my articles and had the speech engine learn from their content.
One major advantage of DNS is that it will scan your My Documents folder when you first configure it, and as far as I can tell it adds most of the words in your text documents into its recognition engine. Microsoft Office's speech tool can do this as well, but you have to do it manually, one document at a time. I wanted to be fair to both products, but eventually my patience with Microsoft Office 2003 ran out, so it's not as "trained" as DNS8.
Both Dragon and Microsoft Office have the ability to adjust the speed of speech recognition against accuracy, so I tested performance and accuracy at numerous settings. For Dragon, there are essentially six settings, ranging from minimum accuracy to maximum accuracy. The slider can be adjusted in smaller increments, but if you click in the slider bar it will jump between six positions, with each one bringing a moderate change in performance, and possibly a change in accuracy.
I tested at all six settings, but I'm only going to report results for the minimum, medium, and maximum accuracy scores in the charts. Dragon also has the ability to transcribe a recording directly from a WAV file at maximum speed, so I'll include a separate chart for that. Microsoft's speech engine also has a linear slider, but I chose to limit testing to maximum accuracy, minimum accuracy, as well as the middle value. If you would like to see the other test results, the text is available in this Zip file (1 MB).
At the request of some readers, I have also made the MP3 files available for download. (Don't make fun of my voice recordings without making some of your own, though!)
Precise Dictation (5.3MB)
Natural/Rapid Dictation (4.4 MB)
All of these tests were performed on the X2 system with the "trained" speech profiles. I would like to try to train Microsoft's tool more, but it just doesn't have a very intuitive interface. When you say a word or phrase that DNS doesn't recognize, you simply say "spell that" and provide the correct spelling. In most instances, that will allow DNS to recognize the word(s) in the future. This is particularly useful for names of family/friends/associates/etc. Acronyms can also be trained in this manner, but many acronyms sound similar to other standard words, and they definitely cause recognition difficulties. For example, "Athlon X2" still often comes out as "Athlon axe two" and "SATA" (pronounced, not spelled out) is still recognized as "say to" or "say that".
My experience with using Microsoft's speech tool is that it is best used for rough drafts and that you shouldn't worry about correcting errors initially. Once you've got the basic text in place, then you should go through and manually edit the errors. That's basically what Microsoft's training wizard tells you as well, so immediately their goals seem less ambitious - and thus their market is also more limited. Luckily, the text being dictated here isn't as complex that in some of my articles, so Microsoft does pretty well.
Dictation Accuracy

Both packages clearly meet the 90% or higher accuracy claims with practiced dictation. Once you get above 90%, though, every additional accuracy point becomes exponentially more difficult to acquire. With that in mind, the 96% accuracy achieved is impressive. The more specialized your dictation, the higher your chance for getting errors, but for general language both are capable. Somewhat interesting is that the maximum accuracy settings don't actually improve things in all cases. The lowest accuracy setting usually does the worst, but everything above the Medium setting (the default) seems to get both better and worse - some phrases are corrected, and others suddenly get misinterpreted.
The final thing to consider is that in all cases the computer is able to keep up with the user - though maximum accuracy on DNS barely manages to do so. The sound file being dictated here is 9:21 in length and contains 1181 words. At that rate, the software is handling 126 wpm, which is far faster than most people can type. If you're one of the "hunt and peck" crowd, and you find yourself in a situation where you have to do a lot more typing, you might seriously consider trying speech recognition.
Transcription Accuracy

Perhaps the fact that the transcription mode doesn't have to deal with commands and real-time interfacing with the user helps improve accuracy. It may also be that reading a WAV file directly as opposed to hearing it through a microphone helps accuracy. Regardless, it's clear that the transcription mode offers better accuracy than any of the dictation modes. If you're looking at reduction of errors, transcribing a file is 100% more accurate than dictating a file.
Realistically, transcription mode is only useful if you plan on dictating into a recording device while you're away from your computer. Otherwise, you simply spend time dictating a recording, have Dragon transcribe it, and then check for errors. The quality of your recording will also play a role, so if you're using a small portable music device with a tiny microphone, or if you're recording in a noisy environment, it's unlikely that you actually get better accuracy rates compared to sitting in front of a computer dictating into a headset.
There's also some question of how good the transcription mode would be at handling something like the minutes of a meeting, where you have numerous voices, accents, males and females, etc. Still, while you may not use the transcribe mode all that often, we would rather have it than not. Microsoft's speech SDK looks like it has the necessary hooks to allow transcription of a WAV file, but at present we were unable to find any utilities that take advantage of this feature.
View All Comments
FrankyJunior - Sunday, April 30, 2006 - link
For anyone that wants to try Dragon, I just noticed that the preferred version is in the CompUSA ad today for $99.Never would have looked twice at it if I hadn't read this article yesterday.
NullSubroutine - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link
are we to the day when i say 'computer' and it does what i want, and when i time travel by going around the sun ill be confused when they hand me a mouse and keyboard when wanting to use a computer?JarredWalton - Thursday, April 27, 2006 - link
Almost. And if you go around the sun *backwards* you can travel through time in the other direction. :Dquanta - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - link
How about a review based on http://www.voicebox.com">VoiceBox Tehnologies products? It was demonstrated on Discovery Channel, and it seems to work without extensive voice training, and it actually _understand_ human speeches. The Discovery Channel can be found in http://www.exn.ca/dailyplanet/view.asp?date=3/13/2...">here.rico - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - link
Where did you find Dragon Pro for $160? I thought it ususally cost about $800. Thanks.JarredWalton - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - link
Heh, sorry - got "Preferred" and "Professional" mixed up. I'm not entirely sure what Pro includes, i.e. "Comes with a full set of network deployment tools."Trying to surf through Nuance's site is a bit tricky, and finding prices takes some effort as well. I think the only difference between Standard and Preferred is the ability to transcribe recordings in preferred - can anyone confirm for sure? I asked Nuance and didn't get a reply.
Tabah - Sunday, April 23, 2006 - link
Excellent article/review. Here's the question I've been wondering. Personally I use DNS for blogging and generally anything that requires excessive typing. A friend of mine on the other hand swears by IBM ViaVoice. Any chance we could get a comparison article/review at a later date?JarredWalton - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - link
I will try to get in touch with IBM. I'm sure they wouldn't mind participating in a follow-up article.Tabah - Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - link
Oddly enough ViaVoice is licensed by Nuance so you might have a better chance talking to them. The main reason I'd like to see a comparison between VV and DNS isn't so much because they're made/released by the same company, but because off the cost difference between them. Like I said before I really like DNS but VV at the high end (VV Pro USB vs DNS Pro) is still a few hundred dollars cheaper.Poser - Sunday, April 23, 2006 - link
Listening to the dictation files, I was amazed that all the punctuation was spoken. I would have expected that they would (or could) be replaced by using a non-speech sound. Something along the lines of a click of the tongue for a comma -- there's a good number of distinct sounds you can make with your tongue that we don't have words for but that anyone could recognize and make. Think of "The Gods Must be Crazy" and the language used by the Kalahari bushmen for an extreme example.Also, thanks for the article, it was really interesting and potentially very helpful! I'll hold off until Vista hits and I see some comparisons, but I'm certain now that I'll end up using one of the two.